2023 No.1st Online Materials Frontier Forum of SMSE Held successfully

2023-01-13 7727

The School of Materials Science and Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University held No. 1st “Online Materials Frontier Forum” in the morning of January 13th, 2022 at Tencent online meeting room. The topic of this forum is “Enhancing Ductility of Ceramics through Microalloying”,presented by Prof. Qi AN from the Iowa State University, USA. The forum was hosted by Prof. Kolan Madhav REDDY and Prof. Pan LIU from the Institute of Phase Transformation and Microstructure of Design and many students and faculty members have participated.

During the seminar, Prof. Qi AN introduced how to enhance the ductility of ceramics, effects, force field development for atomistic simulations and several experiments that the research group have done. The whole forum was insightful, professional, and interesting.


In the next interactive session, the students and teachers actively asked questions. Subsequently, Prof. Qi AN answered them one by one and said these questions are very cutting edge.

Before the end of the report, Prof. Qi AN welcomed students who are interested in his research field to get in touch with him. Finally, we welcome Prof. Ai AN to visit Shanghai Jiao Tong University again in the near future.

