第十一期材料名师讲坛 G. Julius Vancso,匈牙利科学院院士
2017-04-06 18:30-2017-04-06 20:30 材料A楼500号 主讲人 :G. Julius Vancso,匈牙利科学院院士
        报告时间:2017年4月6日 18:30


  报告题目:Po  报告题目:lymer-surface interactions from the molecular perspective by AFM force spectroscopy

  报告人:G  报告人:. Julius Vancso,匈牙利科学院院士,荷兰特文特大学高分子材料系主任。

  报告人简介:Julius Vancso,瑞士联邦理工大学固态物理学博士学位,多伦多大学终生教授,1994年进入荷兰特文特大学,任全职教授。研究领域包含:智能高分子材料在生物、医药、流体力学以及传感上应用;单分子研究;大分子表面工程;金属有机聚合物化学等方面。发表SCI论文520余篇,被引超过11,500次,H-因子53。 此外,还担任包括European Polymer Journal、nanoscale 在内的国际著名期刊的编辑及审稿人。迄今为止多次担任国际学术会议的组织者或主席,以及250余次大会邀请报告。于2010年被遴选为匈牙利科学院院士。

  报告简介:Adsorption of polymers at surfaces is a central subject in polymer science with great relevance for many applications related to surface functionalization, nanofabrication, etc. AFM based force spectroscopy approaches have been used with success to study adsorption and binding strength, conformation, and supramolecular structure of surface attached polymers. Two examples will be used to show recent progress in this area obtained. First we present results related to measuring the isoelectric point (pI) of proteins immobilized at AFM probe surfaces, using designer reference substrates with controlled charge over a broad pH range. In the second example we focus on single polymer pull and show the first results related to direction dependence of the adhesion force for partially adsorbed chains, when the free end is pulled. A short account on anticipated future developments will conclude the presentation.