- 2008-09 ~ 2013-07 上海交通大学 材料科学与工程学院 博士
- 2020-01 ~ 2022-10 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 副研究员
- 2016-01 ~ 2019-01 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院 助理研究员
- 轻合金塑性变形机理及成形技术
- 高强韧轻合金设计与制备
主要从事高强韧轻合金材料、塑性成形(锻造、旋压、冲压等)、服役评价等研究工作,推动高强韧轻合金在航空航天和武器装备等领域广泛应用;主持自然科学基金、重点研发计划子课题、重点规划项目课题、航天八院-上海交大联合基金等纵向项目;并与航天一院、航天八院、洪都集团、空客、波音、通用汽车等单位开展横向合作项目;在Metall. Mater. Trans. A、Mater. Des.、Mater. Charact.等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,申请和授权发明专利10余项。
- Yalian Zhang, Fenghua Wang*, Jie Dong, Li Jin, Conghui Liu, Wenjiang Ding. Grain refinement and orientation of AZ31B magnesium alloy in hot flow forming under different thickness reductions, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34: 1091-110.
- Fenghua Wang, Man Liu, Jie Sun, Miaolin Feng, Li Jin, Jie Dong*, Yanyao Jiang. Effects of initial {10-12} twins on cyclic deformation and fatigue of magnesium alloy at low strain amplitudes, Materials Characterization, 2019, 149: 118-123.
- Zhen Cao, Fenghua Wang*, Qu Wan, Zhenyan Zhang, Li Jin, Jie Dong. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy tube fabricated by hot flow forming, Materials & Design, 2015, 67: 64-71.
- Fenghua Wang, Miaolin Feng, Yanyao Jiang, Jie Dong*, Zhenyan Zhang. Cyclic shear deformation and fatigue of extruded Mg-Gd-Y magnesium alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2020, 39: 74-81.
- Hongchen Pan, Fenghua Wang*, Miaolin Feng, Li Jin, Jie Dong, Peidong Wu. Mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution in rolled Mg-3Al-1Zn-0.5Mn alloy under large strain simple shear, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2018, 712: 585-591.
- Jian Zeng, Fenghua Wang*, Xiaoxiao Wei, Shuai Dong, Zhenyan Zhang, Jie Dong. A New Constitutive Model for Thermal Deformation of Magnesium Alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2020, 51: 497-512.
- Fenghua Wang, Jie Dong, Miaolin Feng, Jie Sun, Wenjiang Ding, Yanyao Jiang. A study of fatigue damage development in extruded Mg-Gd-Y magnesium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, 589: 209-216.
- Fenghua Wang, Jie Dong, Miaolin Feng, Xingwei Zheng, Wenjiang Ding. Application of Drucker-Prager plasticity to predict fracture in rectangular cup drawing of AZ31 alloy sheet, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2012, 532: 316-324.
- Fenghua Wang, Jie Dong, Yanyao Jiang, Wenjiang Ding, Cyclic deformation and fatigue of extruded Mg-Gd-Y magnesium alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2013, 561: 403-410.
- 张亚莲,王锋华,董杰,丁文江,旋压轮毂用Al-Mg-Si系铝合金材料及制备旋压轮毂的方法,ZL201510749618. 2
- 张亚莲,王锋华,陈志川,董杰,丁文江,一种对开式轮辋的减震方法及对开式轮辋,ZL201510661994. 6
- 靳丽,刘璁慧,董杰,章桢彦,王锋华,一种评价镁合金微裂纹萌生的方法,ZL201510725436. 1
- 王锋华,董杰,章桢彦,陈志川,一种三片复合式旋压轮毂及制造方法,ZL201410511792. 9
- 周娜,章桢彦,董杰,靳丽,王锋华,丁文江,阻燃变形镁合金及其制备方法,ZL201310423259. 2
- 曹振,董杰,陈志川,靳丽,章桢彦,王锋华,一种超高压屏蔽罩的旋压成形工艺,ZL201310533159. 5
- 王锋华,靳丽,董杰,郑兴伟,周娜,汤晓明,丁文江,薄板内高压渐变成形装置,ZL201010116173. 1
- 董杰,郑兴伟,王锋华,周娜,靳丽,丁文江,耐热锻压镁稀土合金及其制备方法,ZL201010126302. 5
- 全国镁合金青年工作委员会
- 2019年 上海交通大学优秀党员
- 2017年 上海市青年科技启明星(B类)
- 2017年 上海交通大学考核优秀个人
- 2016年 上海交通大学考核优秀个人