

  • 1988-09 ~ 1991-03    上海交通大学   材料科学系     博士
  • 2011-09 ~ 至今    上海交通大学材料学院  研究员
  • 2010-09 ~ 2010-10    德国萨尔大学  访问学者
  • 2000-01 ~ 2011-01    日本产业技术综合研究所  主任研究员
  • 1999-07 ~ 1999-12    香港大学机械工程系  研究助理
  • 1998-09 ~ 1998-10    日本工业技术院  AIST Fellow
  • 1991-01 ~ 2000-01    华南理工大学材料科学研究所工作  副教授、高温技术研究室主任
  • 晶体缺陷(位错、层错),金属材料的塑性变形机理及氢的影响。
  • 非晶材料,物质结构分析。


  • M. Wen, Z. Y. Li, A. Barnoush, “Atomistic Study of Hydrogen Effect on Dislocation Nucleation at Crack Tip”, Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol. 15, pp.1146-1151, 2013.11.
  • B. An, M. Wen, L. Zhang, T. Iijima, S. Fukuyama and K. Yokogawa, “Determination of interface structure between Pd ultrathin film and Ni(111)”, J. Applied Physics, vol.108, 103521, 2010.10.
  • C. L. Zhou, Z. Y. Li, Y. Z. Zhao, Z. L. Hua, K. S. Ou, L. Zhang, M. Wen, P. Xu, “Design fatigue life evaluation of high-pressure hydrogen storage vessels based on fracture mechanics”, Proc IMechE Part E: J Process Mechanical Engineering, 2014.6, DOI: 10.1177/0954408914537485
  • C. L. Zhou, Z. Y. Li, Y. Z. Zhao, Z. L. Hua, L. Zhang, M. Wen, P. Xu, “Effect of inside diameter on design fatigue life of stationary hydrogen storage vessel based on fracture mechanics”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.39, pp. 13634-13642, 2014.8.
  • M. Wen, M. W. Chen, “Comparative Study on Plastic Deformation of Nanocrystallines Al and Ni”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 45, pp. 1631-1638, 2014.3.
  • M. Wen, A. Barnoush and K. Yokogawa, “Calculation of all cubic single-crystal elastic constants from single atomistic simulation: Hydrogen effect and elastic constants of nickel”, Computer Physics Communications, vol.182, pp.1621-1625, 2011.4.
  • M. Wen, S. Fukuyama, and K. Yokogawa, “Cross-slip process in fcc nickel with hydrogen in a stacking fault: an atomistic study using the embedded-atom method”, Physical Review B, vol.75, 144110, 2007.4.
  • M. Wen, L. Zhang, B. An, S. Fukuyama, and K. Yokogawa, “Hydrogen-enhanced dislocation activity and vacancy formation during nanoindentation of nickel”, Physical Review B, vol. 80, 094113, 2009.9.
  • M. Wen, B. An, S. Fukuyama, K. Yokogawa, and A. H. W. Ngan, “Thermally activated model for tensile yielding of pristine single-walled carbon nanotubes with nonlinear elastic deformation”, Carbon, vol.47, pp.2070-2076, 2009.7.
  • M. Wen, B. An, S. Fukuyama, and K. Yokogawa, “First-principles study of oxidized Nb(100) surface structures”, Surface Science, vol.603, pp.216-220, 2009.11.
  • L. Zhang, M. Wen, M. Imade, S. Fukuyama, and K. Yokogawa, “Effect of nickel equivalent on hydrogen gas embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels based on type 316 at low temperatures”, Acta Materialia, vol.56, pp.3414-3421, 2008.3.