

  • 2015-10 ~ 2018-09    牛津大学     材料系  博士
  • 2012-09 ~ 2015-03    上海交通大学     核科学与工程学院  硕士
  • 2008-09 ~ 2012-07    河北工业大学     机械学院  本科
  • 2021-09 ~ 至今    上海交通大学  材料学院,长聘教轨副教授
  • 2021-05 ~ 2021-08    香港大学  机械工程系,助理研究员
  • 2018-04 ~ 2021-04    牛津大学  材料系,博士后研究员
  • 1. Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*, Rui Tang, Qiang Zhang. The effect of temperature on the SSRT behavior of austenitic stainless steels in SCW, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 454(2014): 274-282.
  • 2. Zhao Shen, Lefu Zhang*, Rui Tang, Qiang Zhang. SCC susceptibility of type 316Ti stainless steel in supercritical water, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 458(2015): 206-215.
  • 3. Zhao Shen, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez*. A mechanistic study of SCC in Alloy 600 through high-resolution characterization. Corrosion Science, 132(2018): 244-259.
  • 4. Zhao Shen, Kai Chen, Xianglong Guo, Lefu Zhang*. A study on the corrosion and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of 310-ODS steel in supercritical water, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 514(2019): 56-65.
  • 5. Zhao Shen*, Junliang Liu, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez. On the role of intergranular carbides on improving the stress corrosion cracking resistance in a cold-worked alloy 600, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2514(2019): 50-55.
  • 6. Zhao Shen*, Judith Dohr, Sergio Lozano-Perez. The effects of intergranular carbides on the grain boundary oxidation and cracking in a cold-worked Alloy 600, Corrosion Science, 155(2019) 209-216.
  • 7. Zhao Shen*, Kai Chen, David Twelddle, Guanze He, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez. Characterization of the crack initiation and propagation in Alloy 600 with a cold-worked surface, Corrosion Science, 152(2019): 82-92.
  • 8. Zhao Shen*, Donghai Du, Lefu Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez. An insight into PWR primary water SCC mechanisms by comparing surface and crack oxidation, Corrosion Science, 148(2019) 213-227.
  • 9. Zhao Shen*, Phani Karamched, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez. Observation and quantification of the diffusion-induced grain boundary migration ahead of SCC crack tips, Corrosion Science, 147(2019): 163-168.
  • 10. Zhao Shen*, David Tweddle, Mark Thomas Lapington, Benjamin Jenkins, Donghai Du, Lefu Zhang, Michael P. Moody, Sergio Lozano-Perez. Observation of internal oxidation in a 20% cold-worked Fe-17Cr-12Ni stainless steel through high-resolution characterization, Scripta Materialia, 173(2019) 144-148.
  • 11. Zhao Shen*, Martina Meisnar, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez. Mechanistic understanding of the temperature dependence of crack growth rate in Alloy 600 and 316 stainless steel through high-resolution characterization, Acta Materialia, 165(2019): 73-86.
  • 12. K. Chen, Z. Shen*. A study on the surface and crack tip oxidation of alloy 600 through high-resolution characterization. Corrosion Science, 169(2020) 108616.
  • 13. D. Du, K. Chen, L. Zhang, Z. Shen*. Microstructural investigation of the nodular corrosion of 304NG stainless steel in supercritical water. Corrosion Science, 170(2020) 108652.
  • 14. Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Zhao Shen*. Understanding the surface oxide evolution of T91 ferritic-martensitic steel in supercritical water through advanced characterization, Acta Materialia, 194(2020) 156-167.
  • 15. Zhao Shen*, Kai Chen, Hongbing Yu, Benjamin Jenkins, Yanru Ren, Naganand Saravanan, Guanze He, Xiaonan Luo, Paul Bagot, Michael P. Moody, Lefu Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez. New insights into the oxidation mechanisms of a ferritic-martensitic steel in high-temperature steam, Acta Materialia, 194(2020) 522-539.
  • 16. Zhao Shen*, David Tweddle, Hongbing Yu, Guanze He, Aakash Varambhia, Phani Karamched, Felix Hofmann, Angus J Wilkinson, Michael P Moody, Lefu Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez. Microstructural understanding of the oxidation of an austenitic stainless steel in high-temperature steam through advanced characterization, Acta Materialia, 194(2020) 321-336.
  • 17. Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Shengchuan Wu, Zhao Shen*, High-resolution characterization of the internal and external oxidation of austenitic alloys in supercritical water, Scripta Materialia, 197(2021) 113814.
  • 18. Zhao Shen*, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez. A study on the diffusion-induced grain boundary migration ahead of stress corrosion cracking crack tips through advanced characterization. Corrosion Science, 183(2021): 109328.
  • 19. Zhao Shen*, Edward Roberts, Naganand Saravanan, Phani Karamched, Takumi Terachi, Takuyo Yamada, Shengchuan Wu, Edmund Tarleton, David E.J. Armstrong, Philip J. Withers, Koji Arioka, Sergio Lozano-Perez. On the role of intergranular nanocavities in long-term stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 690. Acta Materialia, 222(2022) 117453.
  • 20. K. Chen, Z. Liu, X. Guo, H. Wang, Z. Shen*, X. Zeng*. Effect of surface finishing on the oxidation characteristics of a Fe-21Cr-32Ni alloy in supercritical carbon dioxide. Corrosion Science, 195(2022) 110019.
  • 21. Zhao Shen, Jianqiang Zhang, Shengchuan Wu*, Xiaonan Luo, Benjamin M. Jenkins, Michael P. Moody, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Xiaoqin Zeng*. Microstructure understanding of high Cr-Ni austenitic steel corrosion in high-temperature steam. Acta Materialia, 226(2022) 117634. (ESI高被引论文)
  • 22. Kai Chen, Lefu Zhang, Zhao Shen*, Xiaoqin Zeng*. Revealing the oxidation mechanism of 310S stainless steel in supercritical water via high-resolution characterization. Corrosion Science, 200(2022) 110212.
  • 23. Jiang Ju, Zhao Shen*, Maodong Kang, Jianqiang Zhang, Jun Wang*. On the preferential grain boundary oxidation of a Ni-Co-based superalloy. Corrosion Science, 199(2022) 110203. (ESI高被引论文)
  • 24. X. Guo, J. Lu, P. Lai, Z. Shen*, W. Zhuang, Z. Han, L. Zhang*, S. Lozano-Perez. Understanding the fretting corrosion mechanism of zirconium alloy exposed to high temperature high pressure water. Corrosion Science, 202(2022) 110300.
  • 25. K. Chen, J. Wang, L. Zhang, H. Wang, X. An, Y. Li, J. Zhang, Z. Shen*, X. Zeng*. A high-resolution study of the different surface state effects on the corrosion behaviors of a ferritic steel and an austenitic steel in supercritical water. Corrosion Science, 209(2022) 110757.
  • 26. Yanan Hu, Shengchuan Wu*, Yi Guo, Zhao Shen*, Alexander M Korsunsky, Yukuang Yu, Xu Zhang, Yanan Fu, Zhigang Che, Tiqiao Xiao, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Qingxi Yuan, Xiangli Zhong, Xiaoqin Zeng, Guozheng Kang, Philip J Withers*. Inhibiting weld cracking in high-strength aluminium alloys. Nature Communications, 13(2022) 5816.
  • 27. You Wang, Zhangjian Zhou*, Haodong Jia, Rui Gao, Minrui Ran, Wenyue Zheng*, Mengchao Zhang, Hui Li, Jianqiang Zhang, Xiaoqin Zeng, Zhao Shen*. Understanding the excellent corrosion resistance of Fe-12Cr ODS alloys with and without Si in supercritical CO2 through advanced characterization. Corrosion Science, 210(2023) 110827.
  • 28. You Wang, Zhangjian Zhou*, Hui Wang, Jiang Ju, Zhao Shen*, Xiaoqin Zeng*. High-resolution characterization of the fretting corrosion of Alloy 690 in the simulated secondary water of pressurized water reactor. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 151(2023) 30-40.
  • 29. Jiang Ju, Zhao Shen*, Jingjing Li, Bo Xiao, Yinghao Zhou, Qian Li, Weicheng Xiao, Yifeng Li, Xiaoqin Zeng, Jun Wang, Tao Yang*. Unraveling the origin of the excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance of an AlCrFeNiTi complex concentrated alloy. Corrosion Science, 217(2023) 111116.
  • 30. 沈朝,王志鹏,胡波,李德江,曾小勤*,丁文江. 镁合金抗高温氧化机理研究进展, 金属学报,59(2023)371-386.
  • 31. Zhipeng Wang, Zhao Shen*, Yahuan Zhao, Bo Hu, Dejiang Li*, Xiaoqin Zeng*. A study on the high-temperature oxidation of ZM6 alloy through advanced characterization. Corrosion Science, 218(2023) 111150.
  • 32. Zhao Shen, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Shengchuan Wu*, Hongbing Yu, Benjamin M. Jenkins, Phani Karamched, Michael P. Moody, Jianqiang Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez*. The origin of different morphology of internal oxide precipitates in ferritic and austenitic steels. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 161(2023) 88-100.
  • 33. Zhao Shen, Xiaoqin Zeng*, You Wang, Ping Lai, Xianglong Guo*, Jianqiang Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Mingxin Huang*. Fretting wear-induced sudden loss of corrosion resistance in a corrosion-resistant Ni-based alloy. Materials Characterization, 201(2023) 112955.
  • 34. Y Wang, Z Shen*, H Jia, R Gao, M Ran, X Zeng, S Lozano-Perez, W Zheng*, Z Zhou*. The effect of surface grinding and Si addition on the corrosion of Fe-12Cr ODS steels in supercritical CO2. Corrosion Science. 224(2023) 111533.
  • 35. Zhipeng Wang, Zhao Shen*, Yahuan Zhao, Yang Liu, Bo Hu, Xiaoqing Shang, Jingya Wang, Yangxin Li, Dejiang Li*, Jianqiang Zhang, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Frank Czerwinski, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Insights into the design of oxidation-resistant Mg alloy by alloying with rare-earth elements, Materials Today Advances, 20(2023) 100446.
  • 36. Jiang Ju, Shaofei Liu, Jingjing Li, Xiaoqin Zeng, Jun Wang, Baode Sun, Zhao Shen*, Tao Yang*, Microstructural understanding of high-temperature oxidation behaviour of selective laser melted Inconel 718 superalloy in CO2 atmosphere, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 25(2023) 887-904.
  • 37. You Wang, Kexue Li, Zhangjian Zhou, Kai Chen, Ling Li*, Zhao Shen*, Xiaoqin Zeng*, The surface grinding-induced oxide scale exfoliation of an austenitic alloy in supercritical CO2, Corrosion Science, 225(2023) 111615.
  • 38. Hao Wang, Jun Xiao, Linjiang Chai*, Zhao Shen*, Xin Yin, Ke Zhao, Ning Guo, Baojun Yu, Xiaoqin Zeng, Shaoyu Qiu, Insights into the corrosion mechanism of a 12Cr F/M steel in oxygen-saturated liquid LBE, Corrosion Science, 225(2023) 111602.
  • 39. Y Zhao, Z Shen*, Z Wang, K Zhang, S Gao, L Wu*, X Zeng*, Growth kinetics and microstructure characteristics of the Zr-Cr interlayer in a Cr-coated Zry-4 alloy exposed to high-temperature steam. Corrosion Science. 225(2023) 111600.
  • 40. Jiamei Wang, Yuhao Zhou, Yule Wu, Zhongli Han, Lefu Zhang*, Kai Chen*, Zhao Shen*, Revealing the superior oxidation resistance of alloy 690 in deaerated supercritical water at 600 ℃ through advanced characterization, Materials Characterization, 210(2024) 113853.
  • 41. Chao Yang, Chenyu Wang, Xuanzi Zhao, Zhao Shen*, Min Wen, ChaoChao Zhao, Liyuan Sheng*, Yaoguang Wang, Daokui Xu, Yufeng Zheng, Paul K. Chu, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Superhydrophobic surface on MAO-processed AZ31B alloy with zinc phosphate nanoflower arrays for excellent corrosion resistance in salt and acidic environments, Materials & Design, 239(2024) 112769. (ESI高被引论文)
  • 42. Jiang Ju, Hongyao Yu, Yilu Zhao, Tao Yang, Bo Xiao, Peng Peng, Rui Wang, Hui Wang, Xiaoqin Zeng, Jun Wang*, Zhao Shen*, Understanding the oxidation behaviors of a Ni-Co-based superalloy at elevated temperatures through multiscale characterization, Corrosion Science, 227(2024) 111800.
  • 43. Shuo Ma, Zhao Shen*, Xiaobin Yang, Jiang Ju, Xiaoqin Zeng, Liming Fu*, Aidang Shan*, Observation of the formation of CuAl2O4 by the direct consumption of Al2O3 in an NAB alloy at elevated temperature, Corrosion Science, 232(2024) 112026.
  • 44. Zhaolin Shi, Xinyi Pang, Kun Zhang, Miao Song, Donghai Du*, Zhao Shen*, Hui Wang*, Corrosion of Nb-doped nuclear grade FeCrAl alloy in 500°C steam, Corrosion Science, 232(2024) 112036.
  • 45. Zhipeng Wang, Zhao Shen*, Yang Liu, Yahuan Zhao, Qingchun Zhu, Yiwen Chen, Jingya Wang, Yangxin Li*, Sergio Lozano-Perez, Xiaoqin Zeng*, The effect of LPSO phase on the high-temperature oxidation of a stainless Mg-Y-Al alloy, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 12(2024) 4045-4052.
  • 46. Yahuan Zhao#, Yaxiong Bai#, Jie Yang, Yifei Shen, Yuxin Lou, Kun Zhang, Yiheng Wu, Yangxin Li, Jin Li, Zhexin Cui, Tianguo Wei, Shuo Ma*, Zhao Shen*, Hui Wang*, Xiaoqin Zeng, Autoclave grid-to-rod fretting wear behaviors of the Zr alloy fuel cladding with and without Cr coating through advanced characterization, Corrosion Science, 239(2024) 112379. (ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
  • 47. Dongxin Gao, Zhao Shen*, Kai Chen, Xiao Zhou, Hong Liu, Jingya Wang, Yangxin Li, Zhixiao Liu, Huiqiu Deng, William Yi Wang, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Review of progress in calculation and simulation of high-temperature oxidation, Progress in Materials Science, 147(2025) 101348. (ESI热点论文和高被引论文)
  • 48. Yuhao Zhou , Jiamei Wang, Lefu Zhang, Kai Chen*, Zhao Shen*, Xiaoqin Zeng, Revealing the environmental-assisted degeneration mechanism of an Al-containing dual-phase high entropy alloy in supercritical water, Materials Characterization, 217(2024) 114375.
  • 49. Jiang Ju, Yimeng Zhao, Zhao Shen*, Kai Chen, Bo Xiao, Xia Li, Dongqing Qi*, Yilu Zhao, Jun Wang, Baode Sun, Tao Yang*, Insight into the oxidation behavior and excellent internal oxidation and nitridation resistance of Fe71.5-x(Ni, Cr, Ti)28.5Alx complex concentrated alloys by advanced characterization, Corrosion Science, 241(2024) 112544.
  • 50. Chao Yang, Chenyu Wang, Zhao Shen*, Liping Zhou, Liyuan Sheng*, Daokui Xu, Yufeng Zheng, Paul K. Chu, Shu Xiao, Tao Ying, Xiaoqin Zeng*, Simultaneous improvement of wear and corrosion resistance of microarc oxidation coatings on ZK61 Mg alloy by doping with ZrO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 224(2025) 312-327.
  • 51. Jia Zeng, Jiaqi Li, Jingya Wang*, Kai Chen*, Zhao Shen*, Anisotropic stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of Mg-8Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 219(2025) 124-133.
  • 52. Yuhao Zhou, Kai Chen*, Pedro A. Ferreirós, Dongxin Gao, Miao Song, Zhao Shen*, Zaiqing Que*, Jingtai Yu, Lefu Zhang, Xiaoqin Zeng, Printed cellular structure enhancing re-passivation of stress corrosion cracking in high-temperature water, Corrosion Science, 244(2025) 112636.

沈朝,博士,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授,博导,国家级青年人才(海外优青),上海市领军人才(海外),上海市浦江学者,中核集团青年英才(菁英),World's Top 2% Scientist,中国国际大学生创新大赛-国赛金奖优秀创新创业导师(2023)。主要从事耐高温腐蚀金属材料/涂层的设计制备及其使役行为研究。2018年博士毕业于牛津大学材料系,先后在牛津大学以及香港大学从事博士后和助理研究员等职位。20219月,入职上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院。先后主持了国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外)、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国自然青年学生基础研究项目(指导教师)、重点研发青年科学家项目课题、上海市探索者计划项目、上海市浦江学者项目、中核集团青年英才(菁英)项目、中核集团领创基金项目、上海核工院企业外协项目等10余项课题。目前为止,已授权发明专利12项,已发表SCI论文80余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者发表SCI论文54篇,包括领域内知名期刊Progress in Materials Science上论文1篇,Nature Communications上论文1篇,Acta Materialia上论文6篇,Corrosion Science上论文27篇等,其中ESI高被引论文6篇,ESI热点文章2篇,封面文章2篇。同时,申请人目前担任High-Temperature Corrosion of Materials(原Oxidation of Metals)期刊主编(Editor-in-Chief),Journal of Materials Science期刊副主编(Editor),Journal of Materials Science & TechnologyCorrosion Communications、金属学报(中/英文版)、中国腐蚀与防护学报青年编委。 

教授课程:1. 材料性能:力学性能(本科生必修课,32课时);2. 核工程材料(研究生选修课,32课时)

  • Journal of Materials Science期刊副主编  
  • Journal of Mateirials Science & Technology期刊青年编委  
  • 金属学报(中/英文版)期刊青年编委  
  • Corrosion Communications期刊青年编委  
  • 中国腐蚀与防护学报期刊青年编委  
  • World's Top 2% Scientist 2024
  • 先进反应堆关键材料国产化研发与评价技术,中国核能行业协会科技进步二等奖,4/13,2024
  • 第22届世界腐蚀大会最佳口头报告奖 2024
  • 中国国际大学生创新大赛-国赛铜奖指导教师 2024
  • 中国国际大学生创新大赛-国赛金奖优秀创新创业导师 2023
  • 中核集团青年英才(菁英)2023
  • 上海交通大学优秀本科生班主任 2023
  • 国家级青年人才(海外优青)2022
  • 上海市领军人才(海外)2021
  • 上海市浦江学者 2021
  • COSF学者 2015
  • 上海市优秀毕业生 2015
  • 1. 梯度结构等轴晶Cr涂层的韧化设计及其关键使役行为,国家自然科学基金(面上),2025.01-2028.12,主持
  • 2. 核燃料包壳耐事故Cr涂层的韧化机制,国自然青年学生基础研究项目(本科生),2025.01-2026.12,指导教师
  • 3. 不同热管及吸液芯材料液钠相容性筛选试验,上海核工程研究设计院外协项目,2024.10-2026.10,主持
  • 4. 316H翅片热管表面抗氧化涂层的氧化机制与界面演化规律研究,上海市探索者计划,2024.11-2026.10,主持
  • 5. 增强型耐事故涂层设计制备及其关键使役行为研究,中核集团青年英才(菁英),2023.06-2026.06,主持
  • 6. 新型耐事故锆包壳表面涂层的服役行为与性能优化,国自然优秀青年科学基金(海外),2023.01-2025.12,主持
  • 7. 高性能金属增强镁基复合材料及制备技术,重点研发青年科学家,2022.11-2025.10,交大负责人
  • 8. 耐事故包壳用高强耐蚀抗辐照钢的开发及关键使役行为研究,中核集团领创基金,2022.06-2025.06,主持
  • 9. 690合金在模拟压水核反应堆工况下的应力腐蚀裂纹萌生机理,上海市科委“浦江学者”,2021.10-2023.09,主持,已结题