- 2016年-2019年,上海交通大学 材料科学与工程 博士
- 金属基复合材料构型设计、界面调控与强韧化机理
赵蕾,上海交通大学长聘教轨助理教授。2019年获上海交通大学材料科学与工程博士学位,2017-2018年国家公派日本北陆先端科学技术大学院大学(JAIST)博士联合培养。2019-2021年于上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院从事博士后研究工作。入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划(“博新计划”)、上海市“超级博士后”激励计划和上海交通大学“晨星博士后”激励计划。现主要从事金属基复合材料的构型设计、界面调控与强韧化机理研究。相关研究成果发表在Nano Letters、International Journal of Plasticity、Materials Research Letters、Scripta Materialia等期刊上。 在研项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目(主持);国家自然科学基金重大项目(参与) 完成项目:“博新计划”基金项目(主持);博士后面上项目(主持)
- Lei Zhao #; Taegu Lee #; Seunghwa Ryu*; Yoshifumi Oshima; Qiang Guo*; Di Zhang*; Mechanical robustness of metal nanocomposites rendered by graphene functionalization, Nano Letters, 2021, 21: 5706-5713.
- Lei Zhao; Qiang Guo*; Zan Li; Genlian Fan; Zhiqiang Li; Ding-Bang Xiong; Yishi Su; Zhanqiu Tan; Cuiping Guo; Di Zhang*; Grain boundary-assisted deformation in graphene–Al nanolaminated composite micropillars, Materials Research Letters, 2018, 6: 41-48.
- Lei Zhao; Qiang Guo*; Zan Li; Zhiqiang Li; Genlian Fan; Ding-Bang Xiong; Yishi Su; Jie Zhang; Zhanqiu Tan; Di Zhang*; Strain-rate dependent deformation mechanism of graphene-Al nanolaminated composites studied using micro-pillar compression, International Journal of Plasticity, 2018, 105: 128-140.
- Lei Zhao; Qiang Guo*; Yan Shi; Yu Liu; Shmuel Osovski; Zhiqiang Li; Ding-Bang Xiong; Yishi Su; Di Zhang*; Interfacial effect on the deformation mechanism of bulk nanolaminated graphene−Al composites, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2019, 50: 1113-1118.
- Lei Zhao; Qiang Guo*; Zhiqiang Li; Ding-Bang Xiong; Shmuel Osovski; Yishi Su; Di Zhang*; Strengthening and deformation mechanisms in nanolaminated graphene-Al composite micro-pillars affected by graphene in-plane sizes, International Journal of Plasticity, 2019, 116: 265-279.