- 2001年-2005年,西安交通大学 学士
- 2007年-2014年,西安交通大学 博士
- 2014年-2016年,德国杜伊斯堡埃森大学,博士后
- 2016年-2017年,中科院固体物理所,访问学者
- 2017年-2020年,日本理化学研究所,博士后
- 飞秒激光微纳加工:新工艺开发,新结构制造,新材料制备及其应用
- Dongshi Zhang*, Zhuguo Li*, Changhao Liang*, Diverse Nanomaterials Synthesized by Laser Ablation of Pure Metals in Liquids, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2022, Accepted. (封面文章, 中科院物理1区,Top期刊)
- Ruijie Liu, Dongshi Zhang*, Sihan Ji, Yunyu Cai, Changhao Liang, and Zhuguo Li*, Femtosecond Laser Generated Hierarchical Macropore/LIPSS Metasurfaces and Their Ultrabroadband Absorbance, Photothermal Properties, and Thermal-Induced Reflectance Oscillation. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2022, 4, 990-1001 (补充封面文章)
- Dongshi Zhang, Zhuguo Li*, Koji Sugioka*, Laser ablation in liquids for nanomaterial synthesis: Diversities of targets and liquids. Journal of Physics: Photonics, 2021, 3, 042002
- Dongshi Zhang*, Ruijie Liu, Zhuguo Li*, Irregular LIPSS produced on metals by single linearly polarized femtosecond laser. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2022, 4, 015102
- 廖嘉宁,张东石*,李铸国*,飞秒激光制备柔性电子器件进展,光电进展,2022, 49, 210388
- Dongshi Zhang, Xinzhuo Li, Yao Fu, Qinghe Yao*, Zhuguo Li*, Koji Sugioka*, Liquid vortexes and flows induced by femtosecond laser ablation in liquid governing formation of circular and crisscross LIPSS. Opto-Electron Advances, 2022, 5, 210066 (封面文章, 中科院物理1区,Top期刊)
- Ruijie Liu, Dongshi Zhang*, Zhuguo Li*, Femtosecond laser induced simultaneous functional nanomaterial synthesis, in situ deposition and hierarchical LIPSS nanostructuring for tunable antireflectance and iridescence applications. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 89, 179-185 (中科院材料1区,Top期刊)
- Dongshi Zhang, Liang-Chun Wu, Masashi Ueki, Yoshihiro Ito, Koji Sugioka, Femtosecond laser shockwave peening ablation in liquids for hierarchical micro/nanostructuring of brittle silicon and its biological application.International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2020, 2, 045001. (封面文章)
- Dongshi Zhang, Bikas Ranjan, Takuo Tanaka, Koji Sugioka, Underwater persistent bubble-assisted femtosecond laser ablation for hierarchical micro/nanostructuring. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2020, 2, 015001. (封面文章, highlight)
- Dongshi Zhang, Bikas Ranjan, Takuo Tanaka, Koji Sugioka, Carbonized Hybrid Micro/Nanostructured Metasurfaces Produced by Femtosecond Laser Ablation in Organic Solvents for Biomimetic Antireflective Surfaces. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 2, 28-39. (ACS Editor’s choice)
- Dongshi Zhang, Koji Sugioka, Hierarchical microstructures with high spatial frequency laser induced periodic surface structures possessing different orientations created by femtosecond laser ablation of silicon in liquids. Opto-Electronic Advances 2019, 2, 190002. (封面文章,中科院物理1区,Top期刊)
- Dongshi Zhang, Jun Liu, Pengfei Li, Zhenfei Tian, Changhao Liang: Recent Advances in Surfactant‐Free, Surface Charged and Defect‐Rich Catalysts Developed by Laser Ablation and Processing in Liquids. ChemNanoMat 2017, 3, 512-533. (封面文章, ChemNanoMat Readers’ Choice 2019)
- Dongshi Zhang, Bilal Gökce, Stephan Barcikowski: Laser Synthesis and Processing of Colloids – Fundamentals and Applications. Chemical Reviews 2017, 117, 3990-4103. (高被引文章,中科院化学1区,Top期刊)
- Dongshi Zhang, Chao Zhang, Jun Liu, Chen Qi, Xiaoguang Zhu, Changhao Liang, Carbon-Encapsulated Metal/Metal Carbide/Metal Oxide Core–Shell Nanostructures Generated by Laser Ablation of Metals in Organic Solvents. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2019, 2, 28-39.
- Dongshi Zhang, Bilal Gökce, Steffen Sommer, René Streubel, Stephan Barcikowski: Debris-Free Rear-Side Picosecond Laser Ablation of Thin Germanium Wafers in Water with Ethanol. Applied Surface Science 2016, 367, 222-230. (中科院材料1区,Top期刊)
- 材料制造研究所
- 材料制造研究所