- 2007年-2011年,中南大学 学士
- 2011年-2016年,浙江大学 博士
- 2016年-2018年,Missouri University of Science and Technology,Postdoctoral Fellow
- 2019年-2021年,Argonne National Laboratory,Postdoctoral Appointee
- 2021年-至今,上海交通大学,长聘教轨副教授
- 金属增材制造、高温合金
- 同步辐射原位表征、分子动力学模拟
- L.H. Xiong, J.H. Cheng, A.C.P. Chuang, X.H. Hu, X. Sun, D. Singh, Synchrotron experiment and simulation studies of magnesium-steel interface manufactured by impact welding, Materials Science and Engineering: A., 813, 141023 (2021).
- L.H. Xiong, F.M. Guo, X.D. Wang, Q.P. Cao, D.X. Zhang, Y. Ren, J.Z. Jiang, Structural evolution and dynamical properties of Al2Ag and Al2Cu liquid alloys studied by experiments and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 459, 160-168 (2017).
- L.H. Xiong, X.D. Wang, Q. Yu, H. Zhang, F. Zhang, Y. Sun, Q.P. Cao, H.L. Xie, T.Q. Xiao, D.X. Zhang, C.Z. Wang, K.M. Ho, Y. Ren, J.Z. Jiang, Temperature-dependent structure evolution in liquid gallium, Acta Materialia, 128, 304-312 (2017).
- L.H. Xiong, X.D. Wang, Q.P. Cao, D.X. Zhang, H.L. Xie, T.Q. Xiao, J.Z. Jiang, Composition- and temperature-dependent liquid structures in Al-Cu alloys: an ab initio molecular dynamics and x-ray diffraction study, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 035101 (2017).
- L.H. Xiong, K. Chen, F.S. Ke, H.B. Lou, G.Q. Yue, B. Shen, F. Dong, S.Y. Wang, L.Y. Chen, C.Z. Wang, K.M. Ho, X.D. Wang, L.H. Lai, H.L. Xie, T.Q. Xiao, J.Z. Jiang, Structural and dynamical properties of liquid Ag74Ge26 alloy studied by experiments and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation, Acta Materialia, 92, 109-116 (2015).
- 《稀有金属》期刊
- 研究领域国际期刊Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials & Design, Materials Letters, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Materialia, Intermetallics