- 2004年-2008年,哈尔滨理工大学 材料成型及控制工程 学士
- 2008年-2011年,上海交通大学 材料学 硕士
- 2011年-2016年,Université de Technologie de Troyes ICD-LASMIS, UMR CNRS 6281,Mechanical Systems and M 博士
- 2016年-2018年,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士后
- 2018年-至今,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,助理研究员
- 2020年-至今,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,硕士生导师
- 金属表面机械强化及残余应力的表征与松弛
- 有限元仿真与多目标优化
从事专业: 金属表面机械强化;有限元仿真;多目标优化;残余应力的表征与松弛; 研究情况:主要长期从事超声表面机械强化、金属疲劳与断裂、残余应力的测量与松弛、基于多目标优化的本构参数反演等相关的设备研制、实验表征和数值仿真研究工作,获财政部国家重点实验室科研仪器设备经费支持,于2020年内完成研制超声力学试验装置1台。 讲授主要课程:本科生国际化试点班,Structure of Materials,(共64学时),承担22学时。指导本科生毕业论文1篇 担任2020级本科新生班主任
- Yugang Li*; Guohui Lian; Jiwei Geng; Cunfeng Song*; Dong Chen*; Haowei Wang; Effects of ultrasonic rolling on the surface integrity of in-situ TiB2/2024Al composite, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 293: 117068.
- Weiwei Yu; Jie Chen; Yugang Li*; Zhenyu Zuo; Dong Chen; Qinglong An; Ming Chen; Haowei Wang; Comprehensive study on the cutting specific energy and surface roughness of milled in situ TiB2/Al composites and Al alloys, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021, 112: 2717-2729.
- Yugang Li, Pascale Kanouté, Manuel François*. Characterization of Residual Stresses and Accumulated Plastic Strain Induced by Shot Peening through Simulation of Instrumented Indentation. Advanced Materials Research, 996 (2014) 367-372.
- Yugang Li, Pascale Kanouté, Manuel François*. Influence of residual stress and work hardening on instrumented indentation, Matériaux &Techniques, 101 (2013) 306.
- Zhenyu Zuo, Jie Chen, Weiwei Yu, Yugang Li*, Dong Chen*, Jiwei Geng, Qinglong An*, Ming Chen, Haowei Wang, Experimental study on the cutting responses and surface integrity of side milled in situ TiB2/Al composites. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113 (2021), 321-335.
- Yugang Li*; Pascale Kanouté*; Manuel François*; Dong Chen*; Haowei Wang*; Inverse identification of constitutive parameters with instrumented indentation test considering the normalized loading and unloading P-h curves, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, 156–157: 163-178.
- Yugang Li*; Pascale Kanouté*; Manuel François*; Disturbance induced by surface preparation on instrumented indentation test. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015, 642: 381-390.
- Weiwei Yu; Yugang Li*; Jie Chen; Zhenyu Zuo; Dong Chen; Qinglong An; Ming Chen; Haowei Wang; Experimental study on chip formation and surface quality in milling of TiB2/Al alloy composites, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 35: 1671-1679.
- 2011年度中国政府奖学金