- 2006年-2010年,北京科技大学 材料科学与工程 学士
- 2010年-2013年,德国亚琛工业大学 物理冶金 硕士
- 2013年-2017年,美国弗吉尼亚大学 材料科学与工程 博士
- 2018年-2021年,美国加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 材料系,博士后
- 2021年-至今,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,长聘教轨副教授
- 金属材料塑性变形机制和位错理论研究
- 原位电镜与背散射电子衍射技术的开发和应用
- F. Wang, S. Sandloebes, M. Diehl, L. Sharma, F. Roters, D. Raabe. In situ observation of collective grain-scale mechanics in Mg and Mg-rare earth alloys. Acta Materialia 80 (2014) 77-93.
- F. Wang, C.D. Barrett, R.J. McCabe, H. El Kadiri, L. Capolungo, S.R. Agnew. Dislocation induced twin growth and formation of basal stacking faults in {10-12} twins in pure Mg. Acta Materialia 165 (2019) 471-485.
- F. Wang, G. Balbus, Y. Su, S. Xu, J. Shin, P. Rottmann, K. Knipling, J.C. Stinville, L. Mills, O. Senkov, I. Beyerlein, T. Pollock, D.S. Gianola. Multiplicity of Dislocation Pathways in a Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloy. Science 370 (2020) 95 -101.
- F. Wang, K. Hazeli, K. Molodov, C. Barrett, T. Al-Samman, D. Molodov, A. Kontsos, K.T. Ramesh, H. El Kadiri, S.R. Agnew. Characteristic dislocation substructure in {10-12} twins in hexagonal metals. Scripta Materialia 143 (2018) 81-85.
- F. Wang, Y. Gu, R.J. McCabe, L. Capolungo, J.A. El-Awady, S.R. Agnew. <c+a> dislocations in {10-12} twins in Mg: a kinematic and energetic requirement. Acta Materialia 195 (2020) 13-24.
- F. Wang, J. Bhattacharyya, S.R. Agnew. Effect of precipitate shape and orientation on Orowan strengthening of non-basal slip modes in hexagonal crystals, application to magnesium alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A 666 (2016) 114-122.
- F. Wang, S. Agnew. Dislocation transmutation by tension twinning in magnesium alloy AZ31. International Journal of Plasticity 81 (2016) 63-86.
- G.H. Balbus, F. Wang, G.S. Gianola. Suppression of shear localization in nano-crystalline Al-Ni-Ce via segregation engineering. Acta Materialia 188 (2020) 63-78.
- F. Wang, M.P. Echlin, A.A. Taylor, J. Shin, B. Bammes, B.DA. Levin, M. De Graef, T.M. Pollock, D.S. Gianola. Electron Backscattered Diffraction using a New Monolithic Direct Detector: High Resolution and Fast Acquisition. Ultramicroscopy 220 (2021) 113160.
- S. Hemery, J.C. Stinville, F. Wang, M.A. Charpagne, M.G. Emigh, T.M. Pollock, V. Valle. Strain localization and fatigue crack formation at (0001) twist boundaries in titanium alloys. Acta Materialia 219 (2021) 117227.
- J. Bhattacharyya, F. Wang, N. Stanford, S.R. Agnew. Slip mode dependency of dislocation shearing and looping of precipitates in Mg alloy WE43. Acta Materialia 146 (2018) 55-62.
- J.J. Bhattacharyya, F. Wang, P.D. Wu, W.R. Whittington, H. El Kadiri, S.R. Agnew. Demonstration of alloying, thermal activation, and latent hardening effects on quasi-static and dynamic polycrystal plasticity of Mg alloy, WE43-T5, plate. International Journal of Plasticity 81 (2016) 123-151.
- S. Sandloebes, Z. Pei, M. Friak, L.-F. Zhu, F. Wang, S. Zaefferer, D. Raabe, J. Neugebauer. Ductility improvement of Mg alloys by solid solution: Ab initio modeling, synthesis and mechanical properties. Acta Materialia 70 (2014) 92-104.
- J.J. Bhattacharyya, F. Wang, P.J. McQuade, S.R. Agnew. Deformation and fracture behavior of Mg alloy, WE43, after various aging heat treatments. Materials Science and Engineering: A (705) 2017 79-88.
- Y.M. Eggeler, E.E. Levin, F. Wang, D.A. Kitchaev, A. Van der Ven, R. Seshadri, T.M. Pollock, D.S. Gianola. Interfacial Structure and Strain Accommodation in Two-Phase NbCo1.2Sn Heusler intermetallics. Physical Review Materials 4 (2020) 093601.
- G. Balbus, J. Kappacher, D. Sprouster, F. Wang, J. Shin, Y. Eggeler, T. Rupert et al. Disordered interfaces enable high temperature thermal stability and strength in a nanocrystalline aluminum alloy. Acta Materialia 215 (2021) 116973.