- 2002年-2006年,湖南大学 学士
- 2006年-2011年,湖南大学 博士
- 2012年-2013年,新加坡南洋理工大学,博士后
- 2013年-2016年,英国牛津大学,博士后
- 金属能源材料:铝空气电池、铝离子电池、铝二氧化碳电池等
- 高纯超细氧化铝材料
- 铝合金表面处理及腐蚀与防护
- 能源电催化
付超鹏,上海交通大学特别研究员、博士生导师,入选国家高层次人才计划(青年项目)。2013-2016年于英国牛津大学从事博士后研究工作,2012年新加坡南洋理工大学博士后,2011年和2006年分别获湖南大学博士和学士学位。研究方向先后获中组部、国家自然基金委、上海市科委等项目资助。 研究领域主要包括材料加工和电化学储能材料与器件的开发应用,在铝电池(铝空气电池,铝离子储能电池等)、高纯超细氧化铝、铝合金表面处理及腐蚀与防护方面以及能源电催化等方面开展了卓有成效的工作。目前在Advanced Materials, Angew等国际知名学术期刊发表学术论文100余篇,申请发明专利20多项,并多次受邀在国际学术会议做口头报告。
- 6. Pengyu Meng, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., A Low-cost and Air‐Stable Rechargeable Aluminum-Ion Battery, Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2106511 (IF=30.8)
- 18. Ruiqi Cheng, ... Chaopeng Fu*, Rational Design of Organic Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen and Oxygen Electrocatalytic Applications, Adv. Mater. 2024, 2402184
- 17. Ruiqi Cheng, ... Chaopeng Fu*, Dimensional Upgrade Induced Enriched Active Sites and Intensified Intramolecular Electron Donor–Acceptor Interaction to Boost Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2406717
- 16. Biao Ran, ... Chaopeng Fu*, High Entropy Activated and Stabilized Nickel-based Prussian Blue Analogue for High-performance Aqueous Sodium-ion Batteries, Energy Storage Materials 71 (2024) 103583
- 15. Zhaihui Yang, ... Chaopeng Fu*, Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Networks Stabilized Organic Supramolecular Cathode for Ultra-High Capacity and Ultra-Long Cycle Life Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, e202403424
- 14. Biao Ran, Chaopeng Fu*, High-Entropy Oxides for Rechargeable Batteries, Adv. Sci. 2024, 2401034
- 13. Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu*, et al., Space-confined synthesis of CoNi nanoalloy in N-doped porous carbon frameworks as efficient oxygen reduction catalyst for neutral and alkaline aluminum-air batteries, Energy Storage Materials 2020, 27: 96-108 IF=16.2)
- 12. Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Integrated and Binder-Free Air Cathodes of Co3Fe7 Nanoalloy and Co5.47N Encapsulated in Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Foam with Superior Oxygen Reduction Activity in Flexible Aluminum-Air Batteries, Advanced Science, 2020, 2000747 (IF=15.8)
- 11. Ruiqi Cheng, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Structure and Interface Modification of Carbon Dots for Electrochemical Energy Application, Small 2021, 2102091.(IF=13.3)
- 10. Fei Wang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Atomically Dispersed Iron Active Sites Promoting Reversible Redox Kinetics and Suppressing Shuttle Effect in Aluminum-Sulfur Batteries, Nano-Micro Lett. 2022, 14:169 (IF=26.6)
- 9. Zhaohui Yang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Recent advances in developing organic positive electrode materials for rechargeable aluminum-ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials 2022, 51,63 (IF=20.831)
- 8. Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Rationalization on high-loading iron and cobalt dual metal single atoms and mechanistic insight into the oxygen reduction reaction, Nano Energy, 2022, 93, 106793 (IF=17.9)
- 7. Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Challenges and Strategies of Low-Cost Aluminum Anodes for High-Performance Al-Based Batteries, Advanced Materials. 2022, 34, 2102026. (IF=30.8)
- Pengyu Meng, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., A Low-cost and Air‐Stable Rechargeable Aluminum-Ion Battery, Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202106511 (IF=30.8)
- 5. Pengyu, Meng, Chaopeng Fu* et al., Air‑Stable Binary Hydrated Eutectic Electrolytes with Unique Solvation Structure for Rechargeable Aluminum‑Ion Batteries, Nano-Micro Lett. 2023, 15:188 (IF=26.6)
- 4. Pengyu Meng, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Electrolyte Design for Rechargeable Aluminum-Ion Batteries: Recent Advances and Challenges, Energy Storage Materials 2023, DOI:10.1016/j.ensm.2023.102953
- 3. Ruiqi Cheng, Chaopeng Fu* et al., Electronic structure regulation in the design of low-cost efficient electrocatalysts: From theory to applications, Nano Energy, 2023, 115, 108718 (IF=17.6)
- 2. Zhaohui Yang, Chaopeng Fu* et al., Phenoxazine Polymer-based p-type Positive Electrode for Aluminum-ion Batteries with Ultra-long Cycle Life, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202216797 (IF=16.823)
- 1. Yibo Wang, Chaopeng Fu* et al., Regulation of Atomic Fe-Spin State by Crystal Field and Magnetic Field for Enhanced Oxygen Electrocatalysis in Rechargeable Zinc-Air Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202304229 (IF=16.823)
- Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu*, et al., Space-confined synthesis of CoNi nanoalloy in N-doped porous carbon frameworks as efficient oxygen reduction catalyst for neutral and alkaline aluminum-air batteries, Energy Storage Materials 2020, 27: 96-108 (IF=16.2)
- Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Integrated and Binder-Free Air Cathodes of Co3Fe7 Nanoalloy and Co5.47N Encapsulated in Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Foam with Superior Oxygen Reduction Activity in Flexible Aluminum-Air Batteries, Advanced Science, 2020, 2000747 (IF=15.8)
- Ruiqi Cheng, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Structure and Interface Modification of Carbon Dots for Electrochemical Energy Application, Small 2021, 2102091.(IF=13.3)
- Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Interface engineering of Co3Fe7-Fe3C heterostructure as an efficient oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalyst for aluminum-air batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 404, 127124.(IF=13.3)
- Ruiqi Cheng, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Dimensional engineering of carbon dots derived sulfur and nitrogen co-doped carbon as efficient oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts for aluminum-air batteries, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 425, 130603. (IF=13.3)
- Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Challenges and Strategies of Low-Cost Aluminum Anodes for High-Performance Al-Based Batteries, Advanced Materials, 2021, 2102026. (IF=30.8)
- Min Jiang, Chaopeng Fu,* et al., Rationalization on high-loading iron and cobalt dual metal single atoms and mechanistic insight into the oxygen reduction reaction, Nano Energy, 2022, 93, 106793 (IF=17.9)
- 1. 2017年国家高层次青年人才
- 2. 2019年上海交通大学优秀班主任
- 3. 2020年上海交通大学优秀班主任
- 4. 材料学院第五届青年教师“立德树人”教学竞赛二等奖
- 5. 上海交通大学2023优异学士学位论文指导老师
- 6. 第十八届全国大学生“挑战杯”特等奖指导老师