- 1998年-2002年,上海交通大学 本科
- 2002年-2005年,上海交通大学 硕士
- 2005年-2009年,美国田纳西大学 材料学 博士
- 2010年-2013年,美国Hysitron公司应用科学,无
- 2013年-至今,上海交通大学特别副研究员,无
- 非晶合金力学行为
- 纳米力学,原子尺度微观结构
- Song SX, and Nieh TG, “Flow serration and shear-band viscosity during inhomogeneous deformation of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass,” Intermetallics, 17 (2009) 762-767.
- Song SX, Jang JSC, Huang JC, and Nieh TG, “Inhomogeneous to homogeneous transition in an Au-based metallic glass and its deformation maps,” Intermetallics, 18 (2010) 702-709.
- Song SX, Nieh TG, “Direct measurements of shear band propagation in metallic glasses - An overview”, Intermetallics, 19 (2011) 1968-1977.
- Song SX, Wang XL, and Nieh TG, “Capturing shear band propagation in a Zr-based metallic glass using a high-speed camera,” Scripta Materialia, 62 (2010) 847-850.
- Song SX, Lai YH, Huang JC, and Nieh TG, “Homogeneous deformation of Au-based metallic glass micropillars in compression at elevated temperatures,” Applied Physics Letters, 94 (2009) 061911.
- Song SX, Bei H, Wadsworth J, and Nieh TG, “Flow serration in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass in compression at low strain rates,” Intermetallics, 16 (2008) 813-818.
- Song SX, Jang JSC, and Nieh TG, “Analyses of shear band emission in a Mg-based bulk metallic glass deformed at different nanoindentation,” Intermetallics, 16 (2008) 676-681.
- 上海市浦江人才计划