- 1991年-1995年,安徽机电学院 学士
- 2005年-2010年,上海交通大学 博士
- 电弧堆焊、激光熔覆
- Chengwu Yao, Xu Binshi, Jian Huang, et al. Toughening design for Fe-based laser clad coating. Surface Applied science, 2010, 257(6): 2184-2192.
- 姚成武,徐滨士,黄坚,张培磊,吴毅雄.激光熔覆铁基合金裂纹控制的组织设计,中国表面工程,2010,23(3):14-18. 2011年中国机械工程学会优秀论文奖.
- Chengwu Yao, Binshi Xu, Jian Huang, et al. Study on the softening in overlapping zone by laser overlapping scanning surface hardening for carbon and alloyed steel. Optics and Lasers in Engineering.2009,48(1):20-26.
- 姚成武,黄坚,张培磊,吴毅雄,徐滨士. 碳钢及合金钢搭接激光淬火回火软化特征. 材料热处理学报,2009,30(5):131-135.
- Chengwu Yao, Binshi Xu, Xiancheng Zhang, et al. Interface microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welding copper–steel dissimilar joint. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2009, 47(7-8): 807-814. 该文同时被《Nature》子刊《Nature Photonics》以research highlights 形式收录:Sloping design perfects dissimilar joint [J]. Nature photonics, 2009,3(5):261.
- Yao, C.W.; Huang, J.; Xu, B.S.; Fu, J.; Zhang, X.C.; Wu, Y.X. An investigation on laser butt welding process of copper-steel for controlling the dissimilar materials melting ratio. Welding in the World, v 52, n SPEC. ISS., 2009: 473-477.