- 1970年-1970年,上海交通大学 博士
- 2012年-2017年,上海交通大学,助理研究员
- 2018年-至今,上海交通大学,副研究员
- 焊接工艺开发
- 焊接接头性能评定
- 崔海超,荆文,陈哲,芦凤桂.热输入对Al/TiB2铝基复合材料激光焊接粒子分布影响[J].焊接,2018(10):44-47.
- Sun, J.,Han, Z., Xu, F., Wang, X., Cui, H.*, Lu, F*.The segregation control of coating element for pulse fiber laser welding of Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020,286:116833
- Li Yi-peng, Fan Xian-kai, Cui Hai-chao*, Lu Feng-gui, Tang Xin-hua. The correlated mechanism of creep fracture and microstructure evolution for precipitated Nimonic 263 superalloy welding joint, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2020,26(1):37-46.
- Xu Ke, Cui Haichao, Li Fuquan. Connection Mechanism of Molten Pool during Laser TransmissionWelding of T-Joint with Minor Gap Presence [J]. Materials, 2018,11(1823):1-10.
- Fan Xian-kai, Li Fu-quan, Cui Hai-chao* , Lu Feng-gui, Tang Xin-hua. Evolution of r particles in Ni-based superalloy weld joint and its effect on impact toughness during long-term thermal exposure [J]. Acta metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020,33(4):561-572.
- 刘延景,崔海超*,芦凤桂等.厚板转子钢多层多道焊接接头不同微区断裂韧性研究[J].焊接学报,2018,39(9):105-108.
- Shao, C., Cui, H., Takashima, Y., Minami, F., Lu, F. Numerical investigation on the fracture driving force of laser welds and arc welds [J]. Welding in the World, 2020(https://doi.org/10.1007/s40194-020-00983-3)
- 崔海超,陈哲,芦凤桂.原位生成TiB2颗粒增强7075铝合金激光焊接研究.焊接技术,2017,46(12):5-7.
- Xu, K., Fang, T., Zhao, L., Cui, H.*, Lu, F*.Effect of Trace Element on Microstructure and Fracture Toughness of Weld Metal [J]. Acta metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020,33(3):425-436.
- Chu, T., Cui, H., Tang, X., Lu, F. Stress corrosion crack growth rate of welded joint used for low-pressure rotor of nuclear turbine in oxygenated pure water at 180 °C [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019(523):276-290
- 中国焊接学会青年工作委员会
- 上海市焊接学会
- 教育部自然科学二等奖
- 中国产学研合作创新成果一等奖