- 2003年-2007年,上海交通大学 学士
- 2007年-2012年,康涅狄格大学 博士
- 2012年-2015年,麻省理工 材料科学与工程,博士后
- 2015年-至今,上海交通大学密西根学院,助理教授,特别副研究员
- 高通量材料计算模拟
- 热电及光电材料的设计优化
专注于计算材料科学的研究,运用材料基因组、缺陷工程以及界面工程对能源及半导体材料进行理论研究。迄今为止,已在Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Physical Review B, Acta Materialia,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Journal of Materials Chemistry A等期刊上发表18篇论文及1篇专著章节。
- U. Aydemir et al, YCuTe2: a member of a new class of thermoelectric materials with CuTe4-based layered structure, J. Mater. Chem. A 4, 2461 (2016).
- H. Zhu et al, Band structure engineering through orbital interaction for enhanced thermoelectric power factor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 082107 (2014).
- R. J. Mehata et al, Seebeck and figure of merit enhancement in nanostructured antimony telluride by antisite defect suppression through sulfur doping, Nano. Lett. 12, 4523 (2012).
- R. Ramprasad, et al, New perspective on formation energies and energy levels of point defects in non-metals, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 066404 (2012).
- H. Zhu et al, Computational and experimental investigation of TmAgTe2 and XYZ2 compounds, a new group of thermoelectric materials identified by first principles high-throughput screening, J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 10554 (2015).
- W. Chen, et al, Understanding thermoelectric properties from high-throughput calculations: trends, insights, and comparisons with experiment, J. Mater. Chem. C 4, 4414 (2016).
- H. Zhu, M. Aindow and R. Ramprasad, Stability and work function of TiCxN1-x alloy surfaces: Density functional theory calculations, Phys. Rev. B 80, 201406 (R) (2009).
- Y. Zhong, et al, The equilibrium morphology of WC particles-a combined ab initio and experimental study, Acta Mater. 59, 3748 (2011).
- H. Zhu, et al, Recent progress in ab initio simulations of hafnia-based gate stacks, J. Mater. Sci. 47, 7399 (2012).