- 1999年-2003年,清华大学 学士
- 2003年-2006年,美国斯坦福大学 硕士
- 2003年-2008年,美国斯坦福大学 博士
- 2008年-2011年,美国斯坦福大学机械工程系,博士后
- 2011年-2014年,西班牙加泰罗尼亚理工大学第三应用数学系,讲师,博导
- 2014年-至今,上海交通大学密西根学院,副教授,特别研究员,博导
- 2015年-至今,上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院,副教授,博导
- 计算断裂力学,计算材料学
- Y. Shen. A variational inequality formulation to incorporate the fluid lag in fluid-driven fracture propagation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 272 (2014) 17-33.
- Y. Shen, D. M. Barnett, and P. M. Pinsky. Analytic perturbation solution to the capacitance system between a hyberboloidal tip and a rough surface. Applied Physics Letters 92(13) (2008) 134105.
- Y. Shen, M. Lee, W. Lee, D. M. Barnett, P. M. Pinsky, and F. B. Prinz. A resolution study for electrostatic force microscopy on bimetallic samples using the boundary element method. Nanotechnology 19(3) (2008) 035710.
- D. Qiu, Y. X. Shen, and W. Z. Zhang. An extended invariant line analysis for fcc/bcc precipitation systems. Acta Materialia 54(2) (2006) 339-347.
- Y. Shen, D. M. Barnett, and P. M. Pinsky. Simulating and interpreting Kelvin probe force microscopy images on dielectrics with boundary integral equations. Review of Scientific Instruments 79(2) (2008) 023711.
- Y. Shen and A. Lew. An optimally convergent discontinuous-Galerkin-based extended finite element method for fracture mechanics. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 82(6) (2010) 716-755.
- Y. Shen, D. M. Barnett, and P. M. Pinsky. Modeling electrostatic force microscopy for conductive and dielectric samples using the boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 32(8) (2008) 682-691.
- F. Amiri, D. Millán, Y. Shen, T. Rabczuk and M. Arroyo. Phase-field modeling of fracture in linear thin shells. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 69 (2014) 102-109.
- M. J. Hunsweck, Y. Shen and A. J. Lew. A finite element approach to the simulation of hydraulic fractures with lag. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 37(9) (2013) 993-1015.
- Y. Shen and A. J. Lew. A locking-free and optimally convergent discontinuous-Galerkin-based extended finite element method for cracked nearly incompressible solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 273 (2014) 119-142.
- Y. Shen and A. J. Lew. A family of discontinuous Galerkin mixed methods for nearly and perfectly incompressible elasticity. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 46(5) (2012) 1003-1028.
- M. M. Chiaramonte, Y. Shen, L. M. Keer, and A. J. Lew. Computing stress intensity factors for curvilinear cracks. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 104(4) (2015) 260-296.
- R. Rangarajan, M. M. Chiaramonte, M. J. Hunsweck, Y. Shen, A. J. Lew. Simulating curvilinear crack propagation in two dimensions with universal meshes. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 102(3-4) (2015) 632-670.
- S. Zahiri, C. Shao, Y. Shen, and H. Bao. Collocation meshfree method to solve the gray phonon Boltzmann transport equation. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals. DOI: 10.1080/10407790.2016.1215719
- V. Ziaei-Rad, L. Shen, J. Jiang, and Y. Shen. Identifying the crack path for the phase field approach to fracture with non-maximum suppression. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2016.08.025
- Y. Shen and A. Lew. Stability and convergence proofs for a discontinuous-Galerkin-based extended finite element method for fracture mechanics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199(37-40) (2010) 2360-2382.
- V. Ziaei-Rad and Y. Shen. Massive parallelization of the phase field formulation for crack propagation with time adaptivity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2016.04.013
- International Association for Computational Mechanics