- 2008年-2012年,哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程专业 学士
- 2012年-2014年,哈尔滨工业大学 材料学专业 硕士
- 2014年-2018年,上海交通大学 材料科学与工程专业 博士
- 2019年-2022年,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士后
- 2023年-2023年,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,助理研究员
- 2024年-至今,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院,副研究员
- 高强韧性铝合金及其复合材料
- 高性能铝基丝材及其增材制造
- J. Liu, C. Liu, H. Cai, C. Zhang, C. Dan*, Q. Shi, H. Wang, Z. Chen*, Enhanced precipitate strengthening in particulates reinforced Al–Zn–Mg–Cu composites via bimodal structure design and optimum aging strategy, Composites Part B: Engineering 260 (2023) 110772.
- S. Ma, J. Dai, C. Zhang, M. Wang, J. Liu*, L. Wang, H. Wang, Z. Chen*, Enhanced high temperature mechanical properties and heat resistance of an Al–Cu–Mg–Fe–Ni matrix composite reinforced with in-situ TiB2 particles, Journal of Materials Science (2023) :13019-13039.
- Y. Tang, C. Liu, J. Liu*, C. Zhang, H. Chen, Q. Shi, C. Dan, H. Wang, Z. Chen*, Improving the ductility of Al matrix composites through bimodal structures: Precise manipulation and mechanical responses to coarse grain fraction, Materials Science and Engineering: A 875 (2023) 145139.
- Q. Shi, E. Plancher, D. Loisnard, P. Karamched, J. Liu*, Z. Chen*, H. Wang, S. Roux, Improved high-resolution EBSD analyses by correcting radial distortion of electron diffraction patterns, Materials Characterization 194 (2022) 112458.
- Q. Zhang, X. Ju, J. Liu*, L. Wang, Y. Li, H. Wang, Z. Chen*, Superplasticity of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composite containing uniform TiB2 nanoparticles, Materials Characterization 182 (2021) 111531.
- J. Liu, Q. Zhang, Z. Chen*, L. Wang, G. Ji, Q. Shi*, Y. Wu, F. Zhang, H. Wang, Fabrication of fine grain structures in Al matrices at elevated temperature by the stimulation of dual-size particles, Materials Science and Engineering: A 805 (2021) 140614.
- H. Zhu, J. Liu*, Y. Wu, Q. Zhang, Q. Shi, Z. Chen*, L. Wang, F. Zhang, H. Wang, Hot Deformation Behavior and Workability of In Situ TiB2/7050Al Composites Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy, Materials 13(23) (2020) 5319.
- J. Liu, Z. Chen*, F. Zhang, G. Ji, Y. Ma, M. Wang, S. Zhong*, J. Li, H. Wang, H. Wang, Improved structural homogeneity and mechanical properties of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites after orthogonal thermomechanical processes, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 767 (2018) 293-301.
- J. Liu, Z. Chen*, F. Zhang, G. Ji, S. Zhong, Y. Wu, M. Wang, G. Sun, H. Wang, Microstructural evolution and mechanical property of nanoparticles reinforced Al matrix composites during accumulative orthogonal extrusion process, Materials Characterization 155 (2019) 109790.
- J. Liu, Z. Chen*, F. Zhang, G. Ji, M. Wang, Y. Ma, V. Ji, S. Zhong, Y. Wu*, H. Wang, Simultaneously increasing strength and ductility of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites via accumulative orthogonal extrusion process, Materials Research Letters 6(8) (2018) 406-412.
- 2019年度,上海市人力资源社会保障局,上海市博士后日常经费项目资助
- 2019年度,上海交通大学,晨星博士后激励计划
- 2018年度,金属基复合材料国家重点实验室,特等奖研金