

  • 2010年-2014年,北京科技大学 冶金工程 学士
  • 2014年-2019年,上海交通大学 材料科学与工程 博士
  • 2019年-2023年,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院 博士后
  • 2023年-至今,上海交通大学,材料科学与工程学院 助理研究员
  • 焊接及增材结构疲劳断裂性能评估
  • 焊接成形质量控制

长期从事焊接及增材结构服役性能评估、焊接缺陷及成形质量控制方面的研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家重点研发计划子课题及企业横向课题等5项,作为骨干成员参与基础加强重点项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、企业产学研重大攻关项目等,在Journal of Materials Science & Technology、International Journal of Fatigue、Materials Science and Engineering:A等期刊发表学术论文30余篇。

  • Chendong Shao, Fenggui Lu*, Zhuguo Li*, Yan Cai, Peng Wang, Yuming Ding, Role of stress in the high cycle fatigue behavior of advanced 9Cr/CrMoV dissimilarly welded joint, Journal of Materials Research, 31 (2016) 292-301.
  • Chendong Shao, Fenggui Lu*, Xiongfei Wang, Yuming Ding, Zhuguo Li*, Microstructure characterization and HCF fracture mode transition for modified 9Cr-1Mo dissimilarly welded joint at different elevated temperatures, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33 (2017) 1610-1620.
  • Chendong Shao, Fenggui Lu*, Haichao Cui, Zhuguo Li*, Characterization of high-gradient welded microstructure and its failure mode in fatigue test, International Journal of Fatigue, 113 (2018) 1-10.
  • Chendong Shao, Haichao Cui, Fenggui Lu*, Zhuguo Li*, Quantitative relationship between weld defect characteristic and fatigue crack initiation life for high-cycle fatigue property, International Journal of Fatigue, 123 (2019) 238-247.
  • Chendong Shao, Haichao Cui, Yasuhito Takashima*, Fumiyoshi Minami, Fenggui Lu*, Numerical investigation on the fracture driving force of laser welds and arc welds, Welding in the World, 64 (2020) 2075-2082.
  • Yuan Gao, Chendong Shao*, Haichao Cui, Ninshu Ma, Fenggui Lu*, Study on fracture toughness of 617 Ni-based alloy welded joint under different elevated temperatures, Journal of Materials Research, 35 (2020) 1790-1802.
  • Qi Wang, Chendong Shao*, Haichao Cui, Yuan Gao, Fenggui Lu*, Effect of Carbon Migration on Interface Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in 9Cr/CrMoV Dissimilar Welded Joint, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 35 (2021) 714-726.
  • Mingzhe Fan, Xia Liu, Chendong Shao*, Yaqi Wang, Fenggui Lu*, Quantitative investigation on the crack evolution behavior for creep-fatigue test of CrMoV steel welded joint, International Journal of Fatigue, 164 (2022) 107159.
  • Tongjiao Chu#, Chendong Shao#, Yaqi Wang, Ninshu Ma, Fenggui Lu*, Crack branching behavior and amorphous film formation mechanism during SCC expanding test for multi-layers weld metal of NiCrMoV steels, Materials & Design, 216 (2022) 110520.
  • Yang Liu, Chendong Shao*, Yaqi Wang, Haichao Cui, Fenggui Lu*, Role of nano-sized precipitates on LCF failure behavior for the CrMoV steel welded joint after long-term high temperature service, Materials Letters, 348 (2023) 134709.
  • Zhengang Zheng, Chendong Shao*, Ling Lan, Guangming Wu, Fenggui Lu*, Numerical simulation on pore formation and suppression for dual-beam laser welding of sandwich structure, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 130 (2024) 6011-6025.
  • Min Liu, Chendong Shao*, Zhengang Zheng, Fenggui Lu*, The effect of laser oscillation welding on porosity suppression for medium-thick Al alloy with high Mg content, Optics and Laser Technology, 175 (2024) 110795.