

  • 2012年-2016年,江汉大学 本科
  • 2016年-2019年,重庆大学 硕士
  • 2019年-2023年,上海交通大学 博士
  • 2023年-至今,上海交通大学材料学院,
  • 新型高性能轻合金材料开发
  • 轻合金液态成形技术
  • 主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、上海市自然科学基金面上项目、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、上海航天基金、上海交通大学新进教师启动计划等项目
  • 参与国家自然科学基金联合基金集成项目、国家基础加强计划重点项目等科研项目多项
  • Xin Tong, Guohua Wu*, Mark A. Easton, Ming Sun, David H. StJohn, Rui Jiang, Fangzhou Qi, Exceptional grain refinement of Mg-Zr master alloy treated by tungsten inert gas arc re-melting with ultra-high frequency pulses, Scripta Materialia, 215 (2022) 114700
  • Guohua Wu*, Xin Tong*, Cunlong Wang*, Rui Jiang, Wenjiang Ding, Recent Advances on Grain Refinement of Cast Magnesium Rare-earth Alloys: A Review, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2023, In Press.
  • Xin Tong, Guohua Wu*, Mark A. Easton, Ming Sun, Qiman Wang, Liang Zhang, Microstructural evolution and strengthening mechanism of Mg-Y-RE-Zr alloy fabricated by quasi-directed energy deposition, Additive Manufacturing, 2023, 67: 103487.
  • Xin Tong, Guohua Wu*, Ming Sun, Qiman Wang, Liang Zhang, Wencai Liu, Realizing the purification and grain refinement of Mg-Gd-Y alloy by one-step flux refining, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 173: 202-217.
  • Xin Tong, Guohua Wu*, Liang Zhang, Yingxin Wang, Wencai Liu, Wenjiang Ding, Microstructure and mechanical properties of repair welds of low-pressure sand-cast Mg–Y–RE–Zr alloy by tungsten inert gas welding, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10 (2022) 180-194.
  • Xin Tong, Guoqiang You*, Yan Liu, Siyuan Long, Qing Liu, Effect of C2H2 as a novel gas inoculant on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast AM60B Mg alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 271 (2019) 271-283.
  • Xin Tong, Le Zai, Guoqiang You*, Hong Wu, Hengyu Wen, Siyuan Long, Effects of bonding temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties of diffusion-bonded joints of as-cast Mg–Gd alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 767 (2019) 138408.
  • Xin Tong, Guoqiang You*, Yichang Wang, Hong Wu, Weili Liu, Peiqi Li, Wei Guo, Effect of ultrasonic treatment on segregation and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg–Gd binary alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 731 (2018) 44-53.
  • Xin Tong, Guoqing Zhang, Guohua Wu*, Liang Zhang, Yingxin Wang, Rui Jiang, Wencai Liu, Wenjiang Ding, Addressing the abnormal grain coarsening during post-weld heat treatment of TIG repair welded joint of sand-cast Mg-Y-RE-Zr alloy, Materials Characterization, 176 (2021) 111125.
  • 吴国华,童鑫*,蒋锐,丁文江,铸造Mg-RE合金晶粒细化行为研究现状与展望,金属学报,58(2022)430-444.
  • 中国材料研究学会镁合金分会副秘书长、中国铸造学会高级会员、中国有色金属学会会员、中国材料研究学会会员
  • Journal of Magnesium and Alloys、Materials & Design、Virtual and Physical Prototyping、Materials science and Engineering: A等期刊审稿人
  • 《Microstructures》青年编委
  • 上海市优秀毕业生(2023年)
  • 上海交通大学学生年度人物(2021年)
  • 国家奖学金 (2018、2021年)
  • 金属基复合材料国家重点实验室奖研金-特等奖(2021年,2024年)