- 2006年-2010年,哈尔滨工业大学 学士
- 2015年-2015年,Pennsylvinia State University 访问学者
- 2010年-2017年,西北工业大学 博士
- 2018年-2023年,University of Virginia,博士后/研究员
- 2023年-至今,上海交通大学,副教授
- 金属基复合材料智能设计与制造
- 计算材料学
王慷,上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授,博导,国家级青年人才,上海市青年领军人才。长期从事金属及金属基复合材料的设计理论与制备加工技术研究,主要采用多尺度建模、计算热力学等方法,对材料的制备及加工过程涉及的相变及组织演化进行精确设计及调控,开发智能设计软件及制备平台。相关成果发表Acta Materiallia, npj Computational Materials等文章30余篇。
- Modeling rapid solidification of multi-component concentrated alloys
- Modeling dendrite growth in undercooled concentrated multi-component alloys
- Morphological stability analysis for planar interface during rapidly directional solidification of concentrated multi-component alloys
- Applications of irreversible thermodynamics to rapid solidification of multicomponent alloys
- Martensitic transition in Fe via Bain path at finite temperatures: A comprehensive first-principles study
- Multi-scale modeling of the complex microstructural evolution in structural phase transformations
- First-principles investigation of the phase stability and early stages of precipitation in Mg-Sn alloys
- Potential-pH diagram with oxide solution phases for aqueous corrosion of multi-principal element alloys
- Thermodynamic probability analysis of the effects of Rb on the corrosion susceptibility of Cr-containing steels for nuclear materials canisters
- Atomic Structures of Ordered Monolayer GP Zones in Mg-Zn-X (X= Ca, Nd) Systems
- First-Principles Investigation of the Early-Stage Precipitations in Mg-Sn and Mg-Zn Alloys
- Crystal Structure and Stability of Phases in Mg-Zn Alloys: A Comprehensive First-Principles Study
- Generalization of the mixed space cluster expansion method for arbitrary lattices
- 国家级青年人才
- 上海市领军人才
- TMS LMD 镁合金分会最佳论文奖(基础研究类)
- 陕西省优秀博士学位论文
- 教育部优秀成果一等奖